Chapter 4084 Seven Sister Pussy Over Dick(Incest/Taboo Sex):>Ep7
- The tension decreased dramatically. I don't ask her about her previous dates and she volunteers nothing. Alas, nothing has been put to rest. We have a major split in our closeness. It no longer feels like we can tell each other everything. Maybe it started with Dr. Susan or maybe with her dating. Don't know. One thing I'm pretty sure of is that we will never be as close to each other as we were when we returned from visiting home. My ups and downs. Sometime, feels like I should just say fuck it and let her do what she wants and forget about ever being more than a brother.
- We pick up Gloria and go to one of the bars that isn't too fastidious about checking IDs. Unfortunately, there are cops there and 100% ID check. Since Gloria is only 20, we try another one. Same thing (We later find out the police just decided to crack down on underage drinking.). So we end up having dinner and stopping by the liquor store.
- We're laughing and having a lot of fun; i.e., lots to drink. Now I'm not too drunk to see that Stacy and Gloria are skirting around anything related to Stacy's dates. Neither says anything about them. Finally, I get the courage to ask directly "I can leave the room if you guys want to talk about Stacy's dates... Or, I guess you've already talked about them and don't want me to know... "